The Third Crusade between the Crusaders and the Saracens is tearing the Middle East apart. The fate of the Holy Land depends on you, Altair, a feared Assassin. Assassin's Creed redefines the action/adventure genre on mobile with an innovative, rich gameplay that provides a well-balanced mix of stealth, chaotic action and riddle- solving exploration in the midst of fully 3D-rendered historical environments.
- Perform stunningly powerful combos and slay your victims with silent kills.
- Run, jump, climb to discover the 23 levels of a fully 3D-rendered medieval world.
- Explore in time of day or night 4 cities of Middle East: Damascus, Jerusalem, Masyaf, and Acre.
- Perform pickpocket maneuvers to carefully steal precious items from the crowd and make informants speak.
- 6 weapons for both close combat and long-range attacks: Swords, dagger, grappling hook and bombs.
- Collecting orbs will upgrade Altair's health and weapons.
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