Senin, 19 Desember 2011

162 Perintah di Run Box-Windows 7(Seven)

Naah Kali ini 162 daftar perintah untuk menjalankan aplikasi dari RUN pada windows 7  :D.
Yang cara manualnya = teken logo Windows + R atau Start>Run

1. About Windows = winver
2. Action Center  = wscui.cpl2
3. Add a Device = devicepairingwizard
4. Add Hardware Wizard  = hdwwiz
5. Advanced User Accounts = netplwiz
6. Authorization Manager   = azman.msc
7. Backup and Restore = sdclt
8. Calculator   =  calc
9. Certificates  = certmgr.msc
10. Change Computer Performance Settings  = systempropertiesperformance
11. Change Data Execution Prevention Settings=systempropertiesdataexecutionprevention
12. Change Printer Settings = printui
13. Character Map  =  charmap
14. ClearType Tuner  =  cttune
15. Color Management = colorcpl
16. Command Prompt  = cmd
17. Component Services = comexp.msc
18. Component Services = dcomcnfg
19. Computer Management = compmgmt.msc
20. Computer Management = compmgmtlauncher
21. Connect to a Network Projector = netproj
22. Connect to a Projector = displayswitch
23. Control Panel = control
24. Create A Shared Folder Wizard = shrpubw
25. Create a System Repair Disc = recdisc
26. Credential Backup and Restore Wizard = credwiz
27. Data Execution Prevention = systempropertiesdataexecutionprevention
28. Date and Time = timedate.cpl2
29. Default Location = locationnotifications
30. Device Manager = devmgmt.msc
31. Device Manager = hdwwiz.cpl2
32. Device Pairing Wizard = devicepairingwizard
33. Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard = msdt
34. Digitizer Calibration Tool = tabcal
35. DirectX Diagnostic Tool = dxdiag
36. Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr
37. Disk Defragmenter = dfrgui
38. Disk Management = diskmgmt.msc
39. Display = dpiscaling
40. Display Color Calibration = dccw
41. Display Switch = displayswitch
42. DPAPI Key Migration Wizard = dpapimig
43. Driver Verifier Manager = verifier
44. Ease of Access Center = utilman
45. EFS REKEY Wizard = rekeywiz
46. Encrypting File System Wizard = rekeywiz
47. Event Viewer  = eventvwr.msc
48. Fax Cover Page Editor = fxscover
49. File Signature Verification = sigverif
50. Font Viewer = fontview4
51. Game Controllers = joy.cpl2
52. Getting Started =gettingstarted
53. IExpress Wizard =iexpress
54. Infrared = irprops.cpl2
55. Install or Uninstall Display Languages = lusrmgr
56. Internet Explorer = iexplore1
57. Internet Options =inetcpl.cpl2
58. iSCSI Initiator Configuration Tool =iscsicpl
59. iSCSI Initiator Properties =iscsicpl
60. Language Pack Installer = lpksetup
61. Local Group Policy Editor =gpedit.msc
62. Local Security Policy = secpol.msc
63. Local Users and Groups = lusrmgr.msc
64. Location Activity = locationnotifications
65. Magnifier = magnify
66. Malicious Software Removal Tool = mrt
67. Manage Your File Encryption Certificates = rekeywiz
68. Math Input Panel = mip1
69. Microsoft Management Console = mmc
70. Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool = msdt
71. Mouse = main.cpl2
72. NAP Client Configuration =napclcfg.msc
73. Narrator = narrator
74. Network Connections =ncpa.cpl2
75. New Scan Wizard = wiaacmgr
76. Notepad = notepad
77. ODBC Data Source Administrator =odbcad32
78. ODBC Driver Configuration = odbcconf
79. On-Screen Keyboard = osk
80. Paint = mspaint
81. Pen and Touch = tabletpc.cpl2
82. People Near Me = collab.cpl2
83. Performance Monitor =perfmon.msc
84. Performance Options =systempropertiesperformance
85. Phone and Modem = telephon.cpl2
86. Phone Dialer = dialer
87. Power Options = powercfg.cpl2
88. Presentation Settings = presentationsettings
89. Print Management = printmanagement.msc
90. Printer Migration = printbrmui
91. Printer User Interface = printui
92. Private Character Editor = eudcedit
93. Problem Steps Recorder = psr
94. Programs and Features = appwiz.cpl2
95. Protected Content Migration = dpapimig
96. Region and Language = intl.cpl2
97. Registry Editor = regedit
98. Registry Editor = regedt325
99. Remote Access Phonebook  = rasphone
100. Remote Desktop Connection  = mstsc
101. Resource Monitor = resmon
102. Resource Monitor = perfmon /res
103. Resultant Set of Policy = rsop.msc
104. SAM Lock Tool = syskey
105. Screen Resolution = desk.cpl2
106. Securing the Windows Account Database = syskey
107. Services = services.msc
108. Set Program Access and Computer Defaults = computerdefaults
109. Share Creation Wizard = shrpubw
110. Shared Folders = fsmgmt.msc
111. Snipping Tool = snippingtool
112. Sound = mmsys.cpl2
113. Sound Recorder = soundrecorder
114. SQL Server Client Network Utility = cliconfg
115. Sticky Notes = stikynot
116. Stored User Names and Passwords = credwiz
117. Sync Center = mobsync
118. System Configuration = msconfig
119. System Configuration Editor = sysedit
120. System Information = msinfo32
121. System Properties = sysdm.cpl2
122. System Properties (Advanced Tab) = systempropertiesadvanced
123. System Properties (Computer Name Tab) = systempropertiescomputername
124. System Properties (Hardware Tab) = systempropertieshardware
125. System Properties (Remote Tab) = systempropertiesremote
126. System Properties (System Protection Tab) = systempropertiesprotection
127. System Restore  = rstrui
128. Tablet PC Input Panel = tabtip1
129. Task Manager = taskmgr
130. Task Scheduler  = taskschd.msc
131. Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Management  = tpm.msc
132. User Account Control Settings  =  useraccountcontrolsettings
133. Utility Manager  =  utilman
134. Version Reporter Applet = winver
135. Volume Mixer = sndvol
136. Windows Activation Client = slui
137. Windows Anytime Upgrade Results = windowsanytimeupgraderesults
138. Windows CardSpace = infocardcpl.cpl2
139. Windows Disc Image Burning Tool = isoburn
140. Windows DVD Maker = dvdmaker1
141. Windows Easy Transfer = migwiz1
142. Windows Explorer = explorer
143. Windows Fax and Scan = wfs
144. Windows Features = optionalfeatures
145. Windows Firewall = firewall.cpl2
146. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security = wf.msc
147. Windows Journal = journal1
148. Windows Media Player = dvdplay3
149. Windows Media Player = wmplayer1
150. Windows Memory Diagnostic Scheduler = mdsched
151. Windows Mobility Center = mblctr
152. Windows Picture Acquisition Wizard = wiaacmgr
153. Windows PowerShell = powershell1
154. Windows PowerShell ISE  = powershell_ise1
155. Windows Remote Assistance = msra
156. Windows Repair Disc = recdisc
157. Windows Script Host = wscript
158. Windows Update = wuapp
159. Windows Update Standalone Installer = wusa
160. WMI Management = wmimgmt.msc
161. WordPad = write
162. XPS Viewer = xpsrchvw

#Ket:erangan yang sebelah kiri adalah aplikasi yang ingin dijalankan dan yang sebelah kanan adalah command alias perintah yang diketikkan pada RUN

So ,Enjoy it :)
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